28 November 1986
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description.
This commercial item description covers a photoelectric footcandle meter suitable for the measurement of light.
Salient characteristics:
The meter shall be modularized, solid state, and portable.
The meter shall measure collimator light beam illuminance with state-of-art sensitivity, resolution, and accuracy.
The meter shall have no controls required to operate throughout specific performance ranges.
The meter shall have overall measurements that do not exceed 6-1/2” high, 3-1/2” wide, and 2” deep, and weigh no more than 2 pounds.
The meter shall operate from internal battery power supply. It shall be supplied without battery.
Unit shall measure illuminance from 0 to 50 footcandles minimum.
Unit accuracy shall be 5 percent of reading or better.
Unit shall be digital readout.
Subassemblies and chassis components shall be removable without unsoldering any other hard-wire subassembly or printed circuit card or component.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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